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Ear and balance

Acute Otomastoidite

Otomastoidite left

  • The otomastoidite is a rare infection of the mastoid, more frequent in children, born as a complication of an acute otitis media.
    Mastoid cells are communicating with the middle ear and the pus that forms in the middle ear in all cases of acute otitis media It flows into the mastoid cells.
    In some rare cases, the infection involves the periosteum and the bone causing a Osteitis, process underlying the acute mastoiditis proper.
    The mastoiditis is characterized by earache, ovattamento headset, fever, ear swelling sore that displace the auricle anteriorly and laterally.
    The pus can cut through bone and get underneath the skin behind the ear or flowing into the neck, in other cases much more severe pus can get inside the skull causing a brain abscess.
    The acute mastoiditis is a serious infection that needs often intravenous antibiotic therapy.
    In many cases the antibiotics fail to arrive at the infected bone and surgery is needed to remove diseased bone which mastoidectomy.
  • Ear swelling

    Head impulse test

    The head impulse test is a clinical examination is very useful in the evaluation of patients with dizziness or balance deficit.
    And’ a noninvasive test very quickly but not always easy to evaluate.
    It asks the patient to fix a point in the vicinity of the eyes of the operator (the tip of the nose or a shirt button) and they make the patient's head of short, but very quickly to the right or left unpredictably.
    Under normal conditions the brain uses information from the sight and the organ of balance and manages to keep the fixed pupils on target.
    If the organ of balance does not work correctly, Turning her head to the side sick, the pupil will fail to stay on target and will tend to go sideways; later the brain realizes the mistake and fixes his gaze with a quick movement of the pupil (saccade).

    Abscess of the ear – otoematoma

    Left auricle abscess after piercing placement (removed)

    Trauma and foreign bodies can cause infections of the ear, If the pus can't escape outside can accumulate in the Hall, creating a swelling.
    Sometimes an ear trauma can cause bleeding that accumulates in the Hall by creating a otoematoma, a swelling that look very similar to an abscess but in the absence of infectious processes.

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    Sudden hearing loss

    For sudden hypoacusis means a decrease of hearing greater than 30 DB to tonal audiometric test covering at least 3 contiguous frequencies and occur in less than 3 days.
    Patients experience a decrease in hearing or deafness that appears suddenly, upon waking or at any moment, almost always on one side and often associated with wheezing (Tinnitus), feeling of weight headset, noise distortion. Continue reading

    Complications of acute otitis media ’

    notiziabambinomortootiteI don't usually do terrorism. My personal opinion is that the physician is required to know all the possible complications, including the most recondite and serious but must communicate to the patient more realistic ones only, updating if necessary the patient as the clinical situation evolves.
    Say to the family of a child 7 years with male all ’ ear from 1-2 days that could die is pure and simple terrorism. If after 7 GG important symptoms, in aggravation, do not make a therapy … then the risk life exists! Continue reading

    Congenital nystagmus

    The term congenital nystagmus is an incessant movement of the eyes, commuter trend that is present from birth or the first weeks of life.
    Unlike the nystagmus, pathologic found in vertiginous syndromes, are not recognizable quick phase and the slow phase of nystagmus.
    The brain of affected subjects learn to exclude image determined by eye movement and get a stable image ’.