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Fiberoptic in the assessment of snoring

All patients with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) should conduct an assessment ORL with fiberoptic.
In patients with snoring is initially made a standard fiberoptic in order to exclude anatomical issues that might affect or cause the pathology (nasal septum deviation, hypertrophy of lingual base, Palatal PTOSIS)
Then it is important to perform the maneuver of Muller: It requires the patient to a ’ forced inspiration keeping my mouth shut and nostrils plugged. The negative pressure that is created in the pharynx simulates pharyngeal collapse that occurs in sleep with reduced muscle tone.
This procedure allows to simulate, non-invasively, the collapse of the Airways that occurs during sleep.
Identify the anatomical problem that can affect your snoring can be set with the patient proper treatment plan