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Sudden hearing loss

For sudden hypoacusis means a decrease of hearing greater than 30 DB to tonal audiometric test covering at least 3 contiguous frequencies and occur in less than 3 days.
Patients experience a decrease in hearing or deafness that appears suddenly, upon waking or at any moment, almost always on one side and often associated with wheezing (Tinnitus), feeling of weight headset, noise distortion.
The mechanisms underlying this problem are not completely known, There is speculation that they may be caused by viral infections, vascular problems borne of the inner ear, rupture of membranes intracocleari and autoimmune diseases.
And’ ENT evaluation required immediately to rule out other problems easier than can mimic a sudden hearing loss (for example a Earwax stopper or a payment endotimpanico).
Evaluating the outer and middle ear in normal otoscopy in sudden hearing loss is typically.
If you suspect a sudden hearing loss you will have to make a’tonal audiometric possibly with impedance.
Once the diagnosis you should begin promptly chesi treatment based on the use of corticosteroids, vasodilators,anticoagulants or blood thinners, antivirals and diuretics. Hyperbaric therapy has proven to be a useful approach. Treatments must be carried out as soon as possible to offer greater effectiveness.