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Milan – Niguarda Hospital

Milan – Niguarda Hospital

& #8217;Major Hospital 3, Milan, 20162

Tel: 0264442409, (From Monday to Friday from 8.30 at 18, Saturday from the 8.30 at 13.00)

Il dott Pilolli visita il lunedì e il giovedì pomeriggio.
And’ can perform: visit ORL, fiberoptic nasal and laryngeal, audiometric test, impedance test, otovestibolare evaluation.

Possibility to carry out visits and exams in agreement with the following insurances: Aon (HEWITT RISK-CASH MUTUAL ASSISTANCE-BPM), Assilt, ASSYRETE - (ASSYRECRE-UNICA), AXA CARING S.R.L., Casagit, CASPIE, 1st, MORTGAGE INSTITUTION (MUTUAL TRADERS), FASCHIM, 10, FONDO SALUTE SOCIETA’, General – WELION S.C.A.R.L., Iws (open phases/phases), Mapfre (warranty), Musa (TOGETHER HEALTH-CAMPA-HEALTH FRIEND), MY ASSISTANCE, MY NETWORK (dim service-assidim-marsch property), PREVIMEDICAL (RBM-INTESA SAN PAOLO-METASALUTE), UNISALUTE, 19 (east-sisalute bottom)

Fee schedule:
First visit: 135U.s. $
Visit with fibroscopy: 132U.s. $
Visit with audio-inmpedenziometric examination: 135U.s. $
Clinical examination of vestibular function: 260U.s. $
Control: 108U.s. $
(the exams will be carried out on the basis of clinical needs)

Dr Pilolli makes visits for both adults and children.