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All posts by adminpilolli - 3. page

Pemphigus and Pemphigoid

Soft palate bubbles in patient suffering from Pemphigoid

Pemphigus and Pemphigoid are rare autoimmune disease in which autoantibodies attack proteins of the skin and mucous membranes causing blister.
The blisters can affect all mucous membranes, including those of the mouth and pharynx, and the skin of the whole body causing painful lesions which create a great fluid loss, electrolytes and heat. In case of extensive injuries, dehydration and electrolyte loss may also be fatal. Pemphigus Vulgaris despite a correct therapy sees significant mortality.
Often mucosal lesions of the oral cavity and oropharynx may precede the skin lesions even several months, It is therefore important that the Otolaryngologist suspects this disease to correctly identify the problem and you can set the therapy that is based on immunosuppressive drugs.

Accidental ingestion of foreign bodies

Fish bone penetrated into the lodge right tonsil

Accidental ingestion of foreign objects is a frequent cause of evaluation at the emergency room. Foreign bodies can be foodborne (fish bones or bone) or toys (typical of children) or other materials (especially in psychiatric patients) and can penetrate mucous membranes aereodigestive tract and then have an evaluation by the Otolaryngologist. Continue reading

Carcinoma of the nasal vestibule

Patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal vestibule destro

Rare cancers of the nasal vestibule are malignant neoplasms that originate from the skin of the nasal vestibule, initially they give a very limited symptoms that can become quite painful if infiltration of cartilages andirons and/or bacterial superinfection.
To confirm the diagnosis requires a biopsy sampling, You also ascertain by radiological studies that the disease has given locales or lymph node metastases.
Treatment is surgical and typically requires an excision wide enough to ensure safety in Oncology.
Once removed, the disease can recur to prosthesis or surgical reconstructions using flaps.
The case pictured was reconstructed using a flap parafrontale supported by an ear cartilage graft taken from Helix

Inverted papilloma

Inverted papilloma or schneideriano is a generally benign neoformation polypoid sinus ethmoidal cells or from which originates the maxillary sinuses and commonly cause symptoms when it cantilevers out in nasal cavity.
Despite the benign histological nature, inverted papillomas are able to infiltrate the adjacent structures, deforming and eroding bone structures.

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Sudden hearing loss

For sudden hypoacusis means a decrease of hearing greater than 30 DB to tonal audiometric test covering at least 3 contiguous frequencies and occur in less than 3 days.
Patients experience a decrease in hearing or deafness that appears suddenly, upon waking or at any moment, almost always on one side and often associated with wheezing (Tinnitus), feeling of weight headset, noise distortion. Continue reading

vocal cord nodules

Vocal cord nodules in girl 8 years, abducted vocal cords

Vocal cord nodules are benign lesions that form for an incorrect use of voice or vocal abuse, both in adults and in children.
Incorrect use of the item may cause chronic microtrauma of the vocal cords which react by creating a thickening to try and protect yourself. Such thickening (the nodules) don't allow a correct closure of the vocal cords during phonation and cause then an entry “dirty” (dysphonia).
It triggers a vicious circle whereby the patient trying to get a better entry further dimension by getting a larynx aggravation endeavors of nodules.

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