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Fiberoptic in evaluating dysphagia

Dysphagia, that is the difficulty in swallowing foods, can have many causes and may be caused by an obstacle or laryngopharyngeal level or oesophageal.
L ’ Otolaryngologist plays an important role in the evaluation of dysphagic patients, both in identifying the cause ’ that in ’ food standards setting to minimize risks due to dysphagia. In fact dysphagic patients have a higher risk of inhalation of foods: If swallowing is not effective foods may accidentally penetrate the Airways. L ’ inaction can cause serious lung infections.
The standard fiberoptic allows to evaluate l ’ Anatomy and the correct capacity of the larynx to prevent food from entering the trachea.
Also you can see the pharynx and larynx in real time while the patient ingests liquid foods and semi-solid colored. In this way you can have a clear idea of the level of dysphagia and introduce measures to minimise the risk of pneumonia.