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vocal cord nodules

Vocal cord nodules in girl 8 years, abducted vocal cords

Vocal cord nodules are benign lesions that form for an incorrect use of voice or vocal abuse, both in adults and in children.
Incorrect use of the item may cause chronic microtrauma of the vocal cords which react by creating a thickening to try and protect yourself. Such thickening (the nodules) don't allow a correct closure of the vocal cords during phonation and cause then an entry “dirty” (dysphonia).
It triggers a vicious circle whereby the patient trying to get a better entry further dimension by getting a larynx aggravation endeavors of nodules.

This problem is very common in children.
The nodules tend to spontaneous remission if you can impoatare a proper voice and breathing with the help of a cycle of speech therapy.
Surgery is used only in cases that are not resolved after multiple cycles of speech therapy

Vocal cord nodules in girl 8 years, vocal cords cited
Vocal cord nodules in an adult patient