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2016-05-01 16.03.37In healthy person, l ’ ’ organ of balance (vestibular system) It also plays a key role in ’ assist the brain in controlling eye movements so as not to lose the setting of an object despite abrupt head movements.
In pathology the vestibular system can cause abnormal eye movements called nystagmus.

L ’ careful evaluation of these movements is spontaneous that caused is essential to frame the dizziness and ’ instability. Being eye-movements controlled by the brain from the vestibular system it is important to try to exclude as much as possible, l ’ central task: It then tries to put the patient in a position not to see the ’ environment. To achieve this condition you can use goggles Frenzel with strongly miopizzanti that waste the patient lenses every visual reference.

L ’ technological evolution is represented by videonistagmografia: a mask with camera with Infrared Illuminator. Once worn the patient will be in complete darkness while l ’ examiner will investigate and possibly record the movements of eyes evaluating in a monitor.

Registering with videonistagmografia Rotary nystagmus, physiologic in healthy person

Videonistagmografia registration of nystagmus, pathologic casement left, grade III in a patient with acute vestibular deficit right Vertigo (Pathology improperly called labyrinthitis)