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How to send a cd TC / RMN over the internet

The ENT specialist should never rely on only medical reports of Nuclear magnetic resonances (RMN) or Computerized Tomography (TC).
Often you are then prompted to have the cd with the radiological images.

To help the patient here is a quick guide that explains how to send the contents of a cd by MRI or CT through internet.

Store the entire contents of the cd one file
1. Insert the cd in the drive


2 autoplay window
2in. If you were to automatically open a window “AutoPlay” Click on “Open folder to view files”
2b. If the window doesn't open automatically, go to computer and click 2 the icon of the cd player
3 Select file and prepares compression3. You will then open the folder containing the file on cd, highlight all the files and click on them with the right, then click on “Send to” And then “Compressed folder”.
4 zip error 4. A warning will appear that prompts you to create the file on the desktop, Click “Yes”
5. Batman which will eventually lead to create the file: on your desktop you will find a new file (“” or similar) that includes all the content of the cd

Send the file via wetransfer
5 wetransfer 6. Open the site
7. Click on “Take me to free”
8. Click on I agree
9 Form wetransfer 9. Click on “Add file” and select the file from your desktop
10. Click on “+ Email to a friend” and enter the recipient's address (ES
11. Enter your email address in the field “Your mail”
13 Form wetransfer compiled 12. In the field “Message” Enter your data, what you are sending and why
13. Click on “Transfer”
14 loading 14. Wait for loading
15 completed15. Finished!