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L ’ otitis externa

The term otitis externa is a ’ infection of the external ear canal that involves the tympanic membrane of ear all external ’ ’.
L ’ bacterial or fungal infection may be, characterized by a more nuanced symptoms that don't respond to antibiotics.
L’otite esterna provoca un dolore spiacevole ma non intenso come quello dellacute otitis media, You may have hearing loss, perception of sound distorted, sometimes tinnitus.
Characteristic of ’ otitis externa is leaking purulent material (otorrhea) often smelly from the ear canal.
La storia del paziente ed i sintomi permettono di orientare la diagnosi verso un otite esterna o media o media con perforazione.
The diagnosis is made with an assessment Otoscope that displays the secretions in the external ear canal and ’ skin edema of the conduit that can sometimes be such as not to allow viewing of the tympanic membrane.
To set a correct therapy is crucial to distinguish bacterial from those fungal forms, in most cases may be sufficient disinfectants and medicines topically (ear drops).