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The non-invasively fibroscopy is an examination, Quick, generally well tolerated by the patient that lets you explore the nasal cavities, the pharynx and larynx.

You can perform on an outpatient basis both for adults and children and lasts for a few minutes.

And’ preferable but not mandatory to l ’ examination between meals; l ’ examination is generally well tolerated, It is not painful and causes only mild discomfort rarely may be necessary to apply the anaesthetic sprays.

The fiberscope is equipped with a thin fiber bundle, able to rotate according to the commands of operator which is introduced through one nostril and allows to observe the nasal vestibule, the nasal cavities, the air gaps, in nasal septum, nasopharyngeal cable, the opening of auditory tube, the presence of adenoid tissue, l ’ oropharynx, l ’ hypertrophy of tongue base, the larynx, the motility of the vocal cords, l ’ hypopharynx.
The fiberscope is a key tool for ’ Otolaryngologist who to exclude nasal growths, the pharyngeal and laryngeal. Allows to evaluate the presence of nasal polyps, purulent secretions, sign of sinusitis. In children is the examination of choice to evaluate the adenoid hypertrophy. And’ can also see the vocal cords to study the ’ origin of voice problems (dysphonia), looking for tumors, nodules, polyps, granulomas, Reinke's edema, deficit of motility of the vocal cords. It also has an important role in the evaluation of fiberoptic snoring problems and of the Dysphagia
And’ should make a complicated and if you are having trouble breathing, nasal, chronic sinusitis, epistaxis recurring, effusive persistent otitis media, snoring-sleep apnoea, dysphonia that lasts for more than 15 days, persistent cough without pulmonary problems, appearance of neck Lymphadenopathy.

Transnasal flexible fiberoptic tracheal ranking (possible only in some people very uncooperative)


TC face without contrast showing left-convex deviation of nasal septum

Today we talk about settoturbinoplastica, l ’ intervention that is used to correct the deviations of the nasal septum (septoplasty) and to decongest the nasal turbinates (turbinoplasty)

First of all let's see some small hint of Anatomy: nasal septum divides the two nasal cavities by adjusting and optimizing ’ d ’ air flows that pass all inside of the nasal cavities, consists of a cartilage (the quadrangular cartilage of the nasal septum) and two bones (the vomer and perpendicular plate of ethmoid ’). Osteo-cartilaginous skeleton that is covered by a fibrous film (perichondrium and periosteum) in turn covered with mucosa.

The nasal septum as well as a functional role (optimize ’ nasal air flow d) also has a structural role holding the tip of the nose. The removal in toto of the nasal septum has so disastrous effects both for breathing that becomes extremely difficult for the formation of abundant crusts that from an aesthetic point of view, for the down fall of the tip of the nose.

To correct deviations of the nasal septum is appropriate to remove the portions of cartilage and bones representing the deviation, preserving the anterior portion of the nasal septum mucosa and that “supports” the tip of the nose. Continue reading