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Map of the concentration of pollen – Po Valley

Allergic rhinitis affects about 40 millions of people only in United States of America and may involve up to one person in 6 with a higher prevalence in childhood.
And’ so it's important to understand which are the allergens that trigger the problem and learn which are the levels of concentration in the air of the major parks

Below is a summary of the concentration of pollen found in the Po Valley (including the cities of Turin and Milan) the last week and what the forecast for next week.

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Adenoid hypertrophy

ipertrofiaadenoideaPharyngeal tonsils or adenoids are lymphatic organ which is part of Waldeyer's ring and ’ are placed in the posterior wall of the nasopharyngeal cable, Anatomic area that connects the nasal cavity and oropharynx ’ where l drain the auditory tube tube. Given the small size of the bones of the child the nasopharyngeal cable has a greatly reduced volume than that of adult ’, also given the increased activity of lymphatic tissue in children volume adenoids is greater than that of adult ’. We understand how much easier it can occupy the adenoid tissue nasopharyngeal cable in the child. Adenoid tissue in children is physiologically hypertrophy but we speak of adenoid hypertrophy real when l ’ dimensions given lymphatic tissue causing problems.

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L ’ tone audiometric test

esameaudiometrico_2L ’ tonal audiometric allows decrease of hearing by quantifying ’ l ’ objectify extent of hearing loss and which frequencies being affected. And’ can also study separately the functionality of the auditory nerve and sound transmission system (outer ear, tympanic membrane, auditory ossicles and the middle ear).
And’ a simple exam ’, non-invasive and short-lived.
The patient is placed in a quiet or soundproofed and are placed headphones through which are heard of pure tones (sounds with a specific frequency) a ’ intensity note. The patient is asked to report when it is able to hear sound. Is then marked on a path the minimum intensity at which the subject is able to hear the sounds, distinguishing the individual frequencies and two ears.

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Thyroid nodules

Thyroid nodules are very common feedback: can be completely harmless or be a thyroid tumor.
If there is a neck palpation thyroid enlargement or perceive a targeted ultrasound should be formation with a study and a thyroid function through blood tests.
L ’ ultrasound makes it easy to distinguish a solid nodule from a Cystic nodule (harmless content).
In the case of a solid nodule you will need to consider its size, the morphology, the vascularization and the presence of other nodules in the thyroid or pathological cervical lymph nodes. These parameters will help the clinician to conclude whether a utility ’ cell collection from nodule by ultrasound-guided needle aspiration (FNAC): with a thin needle will some cells will aspire to be analyzed.
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L ’ instability and dizziness

L ’ human being is able to sense its position in space by integrating information from dell ’ organ ’ balance which may (in ’ inner ear), from view, by ’ hearing, by feel and perception of the position of your body. All information is processed and processed by the central nervous system.
A disease that affects any of these steps may cause instability and Vertigo.

And’ first crucial to distinguish dizziness affecting the central nervous system (neurological diseases) dizziness of peripheral origin, ENT competence.
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Proper technique for performing nasal wash.

Necessary material:
-bag or bottle of sterile saline
-syringe from 20 ml

-Attach the needle to the syringe and removed from the saline bag/bottle
-Disassemble the needle (You can leave it in the bag/bottle)
-Place the nozzle of the syringe into the nostril
-Do a wash with some force, directing the flow towards the nape (the Jet must not go up)
-Fairies 2 washings for nasal fossa
-To be more comfortable is recommended select the sink with your head slightly flexed, be careful to always direct the Jet towards the nape.
-If the washing is done properly you should hear the water flow coming into his throat with some force