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Infected thyroglossal duct cyst

Infected thyroglossal duct cyst of a child of 2 years. In most cases, The thyroglossal duct cyst presents as a tense-elastic mass, indolent, median of the neck. It can be superinfected and can rarely be the site of thyroid tumors.
Typically, the thyroglossal duct cyst is studied with ultrasound, Magnetic resonance imaging and often also with fine needle aspiration. Diagnosis is less frequent in children.
The case of the photo is of a child of 2 years whose diagnosis was made after access to the ED for superinfection of the cyst. Initially, it was agreed to postpone the surgery until the 3-4 years but the child had multiple episodes of infection despite drainage of pus and adequate antibiotic therapy.
The surgery was then performed at the age of two and a half, removing, as per technique, In addition to the cyst, also the remnant of the duct and the central segment of the hyoid bone with resolution of the problem.

Acute Otomastoidite

Otomastoidite left

  • The otomastoidite is a rare infection of the mastoid, more frequent in children, born as a complication of an acute otitis media.
    Mastoid cells are communicating with the middle ear and the pus that forms in the middle ear in all cases of acute otitis media It flows into the mastoid cells.
    In some rare cases, the infection involves the periosteum and the bone causing a Osteitis, process underlying the acute mastoiditis proper.
    The mastoiditis is characterized by earache, ovattamento headset, fever, ear swelling sore that displace the auricle anteriorly and laterally.
    The pus can cut through bone and get underneath the skin behind the ear or flowing into the neck, in other cases much more severe pus can get inside the skull causing a brain abscess.
    The acute mastoiditis is a serious infection that needs often intravenous antibiotic therapy.
    In many cases the antibiotics fail to arrive at the infected bone and surgery is needed to remove diseased bone which mastoidectomy.
  • Ear swelling

    Transoral excision Wharton duct calculation

    Fig 1 Discharge of pus and blood from Wharton's duct right pelvic massage oral

    In patients with scialolitiasi (Salivary gland calculi) submandibular gland can evaluate excision of Transoral route calculation (through the mouth). The procedure can be performed in most cases under local anesthesia. Continue reading

    Churg-Strauss disease

    Polypoid sinusitis in patients with Churg Strauss s

    The autoimmune disease systemic Vasculitis Churg Strauss is associated with the presence of anti-neutrophil (antineutrophil cytoplasm antibodies-TERI Weigel) that may have lead to severe asthma, fever, Eosinophilic, renal and cardiac insufficiency, peripheral neuropathy; many patients develop pulmonary infiltrates, sinusitis, hypertension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, skin lesions (Purple, subcutaneous nodules).
    L & #8217; asthma is the presenting symptom in most patients.
    ENT evaluation can demonstrate the presence of rhinitis and nasal polyps framing stage.
    The role of & #8217; Otolaryngologist may be important to clarify the diagnosis due to nasal polypoid growths of endometrial biopsy and #8217;: quick and safe outpatient procedure.
    The ENT specialist will have to try and treat symptomatic therapy nasal problems and treating any complications. Surgical approaches to sinusitis should be evaluated very carefully given the greater tendency to recurrence of polyps in these patients and given the Comorbidities dates from the same disease.


    Laryngomalacia in newborn 30 days

    The laryngomalacia is a congenital disorder characterized by flaccidity of laryngeal cartilages and in particular of the epiglottis that tends to “curl up” and to replicate themselves inside during inspiration. This phenomenon causes an inspiratory stridor also very strong which tends to alarm the parents. Occasionally the laryngomalacia is able to clog the Airways causing a real shortness of breath.
    Despite being a congenital stridor problem generally begins after 4-6 weeks, worst progressively up to 6-8 months and tend to resolve spontaneously after the 2 years.
    Only rarely is necessary a surgical procedure.

    Laryngeal Papillomatosis

    Left vocal cord Papillomatosis

    The laryngeal Papillomatosis is a disease caused by viruses belonging to the family of Papovaviridae (HPV) mainly 6 and 11 which is characterized by the appearance of papillary lesions laryngeal mucosa morphology exophytic lesions, characterized by high rate of recurrence after treatment.
    The main location of the disease is laryngeal level, the lesions are seen less frequently throughout the aero-digestive tract.
    The disease is characterized by recurrent clinical course, time-varying, ranging from spontaneous resolutions up to multiple relapses over periods of wellness 20 years.
    And’ a benign disease, However, associated with high morbidity for possible wide diffusion the Airways, for the recurrent and trend for malignant transformation even though infrequent. Continue reading