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Complications of acute otitis media ’

notiziabambinomortootiteI don't usually do terrorism. My personal opinion is that the physician is required to know all the possible complications, including the most recondite and serious but must communicate to the patient more realistic ones only, updating if necessary the patient as the clinical situation evolves.
Say to the family of a child 7 years with male all ’ ear from 1-2 days that could die is pure and simple terrorism. If after 7 GG important symptoms, in aggravation, do not make a therapy … then the risk life exists! Continue reading

Acute sinusitis

Endoscopic images obtained through rigid optic 0° a picture of acute sinusitis left jaw. the second picture shows a clear improvement of the picture intent just a week of treatment antibiotic and steroid.


1: Head of middle turbinate
2: the medial wall of the maxillary sinus left mediated environment from infection process
3: purulent secretions
4: Middle meatus

Congenital nystagmus

The term congenital nystagmus is an incessant movement of the eyes, commuter trend that is present from birth or the first weeks of life.
Unlike the nystagmus, pathologic found in vertiginous syndromes, are not recognizable quick phase and the slow phase of nystagmus.
The brain of affected subjects learn to exclude image determined by eye movement and get a stable image ’.

L’esame otovestibolare

Dizzy and the Unsteadiness ’ are a very frequent problem, can affect both young and old, both healthy people who with Comorbidities and can be extremely disabling.

Our balance depends on a great number of factors, in fact, our brain processes much information coming from 2 organs of ’ balance (placed in the ’ inner ear), from view, from our touch and our joints. Integrating this information we are able to perceive our position in space. When one of the mechanisms at play or the brain's ability to integrate information are compromised here is that you can check the ’ instability and dizziness.

The shapes that depend on ’ organ of ’ balance ’ are framed and followed by Otolaryngologist, While those who depend on our brains are followed by neurologist. Only rarely do the shapes are quite separate so the patient often giddy is evaluated for the first time by ’ Otolaryngologist also for neurological forms.

L ’ Otolaryngologist has thereby the responsibility first of all to identify the shapes which can pose a real risk to the life of the patient (some forms of stroke may present with Vertigo) and then differentiate into shapes of Central and peripheral set a correct diagnosis. Continue reading

The tympanic membrane perforations and l ’ simple otitis media

Tympanic membrane perforation which concerns the dials right, through the drilling you can appreciate the bracket
Tympanic membrane perforation which concerns the right rear quadrant, through the drilling you can appreciate the bracket

The tympanic membrane has an elliptical shape and completely isolates the middle ear from the outer ear canal.
Has a dual function:
-barrier, protecting l ’ middle ear infections
-amplify sounds and pass them on to the auditory ossicles.

And’ consisting of three layers: skin on the external side, connective tissue and mucous layer on the internal side.

The membrane can go in against such a perforation or infection or a trauma ’. Continue reading

Laterocervical metastases from occult focus

Many cancers of the head and neck are characterized by an early spread to lymphatic structures. Some malignant cells can move through the lymphatic vessels and accumulate all ’ in a lymph node, where they can grow and give an inflammatory reaction that will increase the size of the lymph node/infectious and we speak then of Lymphadenopathy. Continue reading

The dangers of smoking to the larynx

Smokers are exposing their larynx for a strong and prolonged stress, in fact, cigarette smoke is an important oxidizer which causes a chronic inflammatory State and, in the long run, results in the formation of malignant tumors.

Initially occurs a form of chronic laryngitis that gives a few symptoms and no apparent anomaly all ’ fibroscopico examination, the voice is the first alarm bell and proves more hoarse and “stiff” (sclerofonia). Continue reading