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Scuba diving and ENT diseases

Diver who is reporting to the mate of their difficulties in compensation of middle ear ’

Person engaged in sports and in particular diving and apnea is more exposed to a number of issues of jurisdiction ORL.
See them with order considering what caused, How to prevent them and how to cure them.







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L ’ turbinate hypertrophy and turbinoplasty

Diagram on Coronal CT examination of ’ intervention of bilateral inferior turbinoplasty

The turbinates are bone covered with mucous membrane that define the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. In each nasal passage there are 3 the turbinates are always present (bottom, medium, top) and one accessory (Supreme).

The turbinates are able to increase or decrease their thickness checking blood flow of the submucosa: they can adjust the air flow ’. The inferior turbinates are mainly responsible for this phenomenon since the passage of the higher air ’ in the lower part of the nasal cavity. Continue reading

Septal perforation

Wide nasal septum perforation in vision from the nasal cavity right
Wide nasal septum perforation in vision from the nasal cavity right

Nasal Ilsetto has two important properties: the first is to split the two nasal cavities by optimizing the passage of air ’, the second is to support the tip of the nose.

Nasal septum can punch for several reasons causing a variety of symptoms that can be of different severity based on the size, the shape and position of drilling. This condition can cause nasal respiratory obstruction, frequent nosebleeds, formation of abundant crusts, It can promote the formation of rhinosinusitis, You may have hissing during nasal breathing, perception of odors (cacosmia) and, rarely, the fall of the tip of the nose.

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The term ’ means sinusitis inflammation of one or more paranasal sinuses, which are the cavities face covered with mucosa, full d ’ air and communicating with the nasal cavities. You recognize the maxillary sinuses, ethmoidal cells, the sphenoid and frontal sinuses.

Healthy mucous membranes produce small quantities of serum and mucus that protect the sinuses from infection, These secretions are normally drained through small Ostia to the nasal cavities.

A stagnation of secretions all ’ inside paranasal sinuses cause inflammation and encourages the development of bacterial colonies.
Most sinus infections are associated with rhinitis (rhinosinusitis), a more limited number of infections are associated with dental disease (Odontogenic sinusitis).
Most infections are caused by bacteria, less frequently sinusitis can be caused by fungus (fungal sinusitis).

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The cholesteatoma

cholesteatomaAs cholesteatoma is a nest of epidermal cells that develops mainly level of middle ear ’. The cholesteatoma is not a tumor but has many features in common to neoplastic diseases, It can also increase greatly eroding and destroying adjacent bone structures.

Most colesteatomi are acquired, associated with tympanic membrane perforations or major retractions in the same. Continue reading

The minor salivary gland retention cyst (mucocele)

2015-09-04 10.16.43
Retention cyst of salivary gland minor lower lip

The minor salivary gland also referred to as retention cyst mucocele are due to ’ accumulation of saliva all ’ in a minor salivary gland duct occlusion of its, Typically after a trauma. Minor salivary glands are found on all the mucous membranes of the oral cavity (and with less density of ’ oropharynx), the more susceptible to trauma areas appear to mucoceles: the mucosa of the lips and cheeks. Continue reading

Dell ’ ear keloid

2015-06-25 10.58.55Voluminous keloid right auricle Helix revolted after making a hole for earrings. Keloids are scar after traumatisms of exaggerated responses/engravings, are due to a personal and racial predisposition (are more frequent in blacks and Asians).

L ’ removal requires a simple surgery but there is a high risk that repeat offenders.

Wegener with polyangiitis (Wegener's Granulomatosis)

image14Wegener with polyangiitis (GPA or with an old terminology Wegener's Granulomatosis) is a rare Vasculitis affecting small and medium-sized vessels that may involve many organs with predilection for the upper and lower Airways and for kidneys.
Has a prevalence of 2.4-15.7 people each 100000, has a slight predilection for males (♂ : ♀ = 1,5 : 1), the first diagnosis is generally has between 40-55 years. Current treatments allow excellent survival with a good symptom control.
The first symptoms are very often at the level of the upper airways and is therefore often the Otolaryngologist physician who sees patients first and must suspect this disease and confirm the diagnosis and then follow with the patient to an immunologist.

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