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Pathologies - 5. page

The cholesteatoma

cholesteatomaAs cholesteatoma is a nest of epidermal cells that develops mainly level of middle ear ’. The cholesteatoma is not a tumor but has many features in common to neoplastic diseases, It can also increase greatly eroding and destroying adjacent bone structures.

Most colesteatomi are acquired, associated with tympanic membrane perforations or major retractions in the same. Continue reading

The minor salivary gland retention cyst (mucocele)

2015-09-04 10.16.43
Retention cyst of salivary gland minor lower lip

The minor salivary gland also referred to as retention cyst mucocele are due to ’ accumulation of saliva all ’ in a minor salivary gland duct occlusion of its, Typically after a trauma. Minor salivary glands are found on all the mucous membranes of the oral cavity (and with less density of ’ oropharynx), the more susceptible to trauma areas appear to mucoceles: the mucosa of the lips and cheeks. Continue reading

Dell ’ ear keloid

2015-06-25 10.58.55Voluminous keloid right auricle Helix revolted after making a hole for earrings. Keloids are scar after traumatisms of exaggerated responses/engravings, are due to a personal and racial predisposition (are more frequent in blacks and Asians).

L ’ removal requires a simple surgery but there is a high risk that repeat offenders.

Wegener with polyangiitis (Wegener's Granulomatosis)

image14Wegener with polyangiitis (GPA or with an old terminology Wegener's Granulomatosis) is a rare Vasculitis affecting small and medium-sized vessels that may involve many organs with predilection for the upper and lower Airways and for kidneys.
Has a prevalence of 2.4-15.7 people each 100000, has a slight predilection for males (♂ : ♀ = 1,5 : 1), the first diagnosis is generally has between 40-55 years. Current treatments allow excellent survival with a good symptom control.
The first symptoms are very often at the level of the upper airways and is therefore often the Otolaryngologist physician who sees patients first and must suspect this disease and confirm the diagnosis and then follow with the patient to an immunologist.

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The scialolitiasi

Wharton duct calculation

The term scialolitiasi refers to the inflammatory disease of the major salivary glands due to stone formation (scialoliti) or salivary ducts or in the parenchyma of the glands.
Calculations are made of calcium carbonate or calcium phosphate combined with other organic molecules. The mechanisms by which are formed are not clear, certainly the salivary stagnation and damage of ’ duct epithelium may promote precipitation of salts. Continue reading

Acute otitis media

Picture of acute otitis media right

L ’ acute otitis media is the ’ infection, Typically, bacterial, Dell ’ middle ear. And’ characterized by a very intense pain, often button, that is accentuated by lying, It also causes hearing loss and feeling ovattamento headset, It is often accompanied by fever, headache and malaise. Can follow a ’ infection of the upper Airways or effusive otitis media ’. Continue reading

Tumors of the oropharynx and HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)

Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the oropharynx (emibaselingua right)
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the oropharynx ’ (emibaselingua right)

Already several years ago surgeons ENT specialists realize that among patients with malignancies (typically with a ’ older than 60 years, smokers and drinkers) There was a small group of young patients and often non-smoking and non-drinkers.

Subsequent research has found and demonstrated the presence of tumors of all ’ within this second group of HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus).
In recent years, however, was made a propaganda often alarmist and the wrong message that is often perceived by patients is that HPV causes cancer and that being a sexually transmitted viruses means that particular sexual habits cause cancer of the oropharynx.
The media starting with a kernel of truth have distorted reality by making several terrorism.
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Voluminous Wine Stain left vocal cord polyp
Voluminous Wine Stain left vocal cord polyp

For dysphonia is the difficulty in producing the entry, There are different types of dysphonia (hoarseness, sclerofonia, Aphonia). In some subjects may have problems only in singing (disodia).
The problem may be constant or fluctuating or may occur only after a longer or shorter by use of voice (astenofonia, fatigue or vowel). Continue reading

The 8th cranial nerve Schwannoma (vestibulocochlear nerve)

Dell ’ VIII cranial nerve Schwannoma massive left

Dell ’ VIII cranial nerve Schwannoma (vestibulocochlear nerve), sometimes improperly called acoustic nerve neurinoma, is a benign tumor that arises from Schwann cells (Schwannoma).

Hits 7-10 subjects per million per year. Shows a slight preference for the female sex and the highest incidence in the 5th decade. Represents the 8-10% of intracranial tumors and 80% of cancers of the pontocerebellar angle. In most cases originates from the vestibular nerve component. And’ almost always unilateral in rare bilateral forms is frequently associated to Neurofibromatosis Type 2.

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